I have been a partner with KCM for quite a few years, and I enjoy the weekly broadcast very much. It was through teaching I received from Kenneth Copeland that our son is alive today. In August 2016 he was electrocuted with 27,000 volts - the Fire Brigade first on the scene could not resuscitate him, he was dead. When the phone call came through to us, I said to my wife I refuse to fear. Just a couple of days before, Kenneth Copeland said in the broadcast ‘I refuse to fear’. These words came out of my mouth what I heard what happened to my son. When the paramedics got there, he was revived. That must have been the trigger point releasing faith rather than fear that brought him back to life after not sure how many minutes he was dead.
David | United Kingdom
I have been a partner with KCM for over 10 years and Kenneth and Gloria Copeland teachings have been a great blessing to me and my family. God has supernaturally brought to past everything I have trusted Him for since becoming a partner. This includes among others, being able to attend the SWBC at Fort Worth with my family and being able to build our own goodly home both in the UK and in Nigeria.
Cordelia | United Kingdom
What a blessing was to receive yesterday my copy of the BVOV magazine in the mail! The Word in it quickened me and this was so much needed! I want to praise the Lord because this copy arrived just on time, just on the day I needed it the most! Oh, praise the Lord! Thank You Jesus that you always reach to us when we need it, and you never leave us alone!
Thank You Kenneth Copeland Ministries Europe!
Flavia | Italy
I would like to testify to the glory of God. I asked the Lord to settle me in Sheffield and to bless me with a home. He has done this and given me a beautiful home in Sheffield. I am thankful for this and for the prayers of agreement with the prayer team of KCM.
Emma | United Kingdom